Vijnana Bhairava verse 25

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viyadyugmanuvartanat /41
bhairavya bhairavasyettham
bhairavi vyajyate vapuh // 25 //

Antar bahir, internally or outwardly (vapi means “or”), internally or outwardly, marutah, this energy of breath when [it] is followed by two voids [i.e.] by returning back to two ethers, viyat yugma anuvartanat (by maintaining the uninterrupted awareness there means bhairavya, by means of Bhairavi; Bhairavi means uninterrupted awareness), when you maintain uninterrupted awareness in these two voids, internally and externally (there is an internal void and an external void); itham, by this way of treading on this process (itham, by this way), bhairavasya vapuh vyajyate, the formation of the svarupa of Bhairava is revealed, vyajyate.

Bhairavi is amantrana [vocative]: “O Bhairavi! O Parvati!” Here you have not to recite “so” or “ham”. It is without the recitation of “sa” and “ha”. It is only awareness that functions here. It is why this is shaktopaya. This can’t be anavopaya because you have to maintain awareness only, no recitation of mantra. Only you have to intake and outcome of breath, and see where are these two voids.42
ALEXIS: Between going out and coming in?
SWAMIJI: Between going out and coming in. Here43 and in the heart.
JOHN: In anavopaya there is object.
SWAMIJI: Because the object there is mantra also.
JOHN: But there is not object here.
SWAMIJI: There is no object. It is why it is called here shaktopaya.

VB CD 01 Track 12 (02:24)

41. Swamiji preferred anuvartanat to anivartanat, which is found in some readings. [Editor's note]
42. When questioned Swamiji emphasized that these are two “voids”, not two “gaps”.
43. Refers to the external point, bahya dvadashanta (see footnote 40). [Editor's note]

Original transcript contains diacritical marks and verses in Devanagri, 
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